How to trade with the EU

Women in Business Programme

The Women in Business programme aims to promote women entrepreneurs and participation in business by providing women-led enterprises with better access to funding. Its primary goals are to support women-led SMEs in accessing finance for sustainable growth and job creation; develop sustainable financial products specifically suitable for women-led SMEs; and assist women’s SMEs to access advice and know-how.

In terms of access to finance, dedicated credit lines will be set up of up to EUR 43.4 million to eligible PFIs for on-lending to eligible women-led SME. The average size of the sub-loan is expected to be approximately EUR 15,000 (maximum size of EUR 1 million), with an estimated 3,000 sub-loans to be disbursed to women-led SMEs from up to 12 PFIs.


Contact Information:

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Merani Business Centre, 6th Floor

31a, Griboedovi Str,, Tbilisi, 0108, Georgia

Tel.: +995 322 447 400


For more information about the Women in Business Programme, please visit the following link:

This webpage has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.