How to trade with the EU

DCFTA Adaptation Programme (DAP)

The DCFTA Adaptation Programme (DAP) supports SME competitiveness in Georgia and is financed by European Union.

Objectives of the DAP are:

  • Strengthen SME competitiveness;
  • Export facilitation;
  • Adoption of news standards;
  • Raise awareness of the DCFTA;
  • Improve access to finances for SMEs;
  • Increase the use and improve the quality of local business advisory services.


Contact Information: 

Advice for Small Businesses Georgia, SME Finance and Development

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Business Centre Merani, 6th Floor

31a, Griboedovi Str. Tbilisi, 0108, Georgia

Tel.: +995 322 447 400


For more information about the project please follow the link:

This webpage has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.