How to trade with the EU

The EU4Business - EBRD Credit Line

The EU4Business – EBRD Credit line is a joint initiative of EU and EBRD that aims to help Georgian SMEs finance investments and seize the new opportunities under the DCFTA.

For Georgian SMEs to take full advantage of these opportunities and expand into the EU, they will have to comply with the relevant EU directives. In many cases this means investing into new equipment and technologies that facilitate compliance with EU Directives. Knowing what to invest in and finding the necessary resources can be an obstacle, and EU and EBRD have developed the EU4Business – EBRD Credit Line precisely to help SMEs overcome these problems.


Contact Information:

Tel.: +995 322 240 805


For more information about the EU4Business - EBRD Credit line, please visit the website:

This webpage has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.