How to trade with the EU

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14 07 2017

DCFTA Information Centre Regional Meetings in Imereti and Kvemo Kartli

On 13-14 July 2017, the DCFTA Information Centre of the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) held information meetings with SME representatives in the Imereti and Kvemo Kartli regions. The meetings were organized with the assistance of the EU/GIZ project SME Development and DCFTA in Georgia.


The meetings in Vani and Dmanisi aimed at introducing the Information Centre and its services to local entrepreneurs. The meetings were attended by representatives of cooperatives and individual entrepreneurs. The export potential of Georgian companies, regulations of the EU market and the obligations undertaken by Georgia under the DCFTA were the main topics. The representatives of the Information Centre consulted with participants on how to improve the quality of various products and presented the other services of the GCCI.


DCFTA Information Centre has been established under the cooperation framework of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the EU/GIZ project SME Development and DCFTA in Georgia. The project helps small and medium entrepreneurs increase their competitiveness and adapt to the new regulatory environment under the free trade area with the EU. The project is implemented within the framework of the European Union initiative EU4Business, which aims to help small and medium entrepreneurs access the free trade area between Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries and the EU. The initiative promotes the improvement of the business environment, increasing knowledge and skills of entrepreneurs as well as facilitating their access to financing.



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